Ambarame, tanneere, chore aranjcheiyum
Emberumaan Nandagopala ezhundiraai
Kombanaarkellaam kozhunde! Kulavillakke!
Emberumaatti! Yasodaai! Arivuraai!
Ambaramudarutth ongi ulagallanda
Umbar komane! Urangaadu ezhundiraai!
Sempor kazhaladi selvaa! Baladeva!
Umbiyum neeyum urangelorempaavaai
Song 17:
In the last few pAsurams AnDAL finished waking up all Her friends and reached the royal mansion of Sri ~Na~ndhagOpA. In the last pAsuram she requested the door keepers to open the doors of the mansion so that they could all enter the house and serve Sri KrishNA.
In this pAsuram She wakes up ~Na`ndhagOpA, yasOdhA, KrishNA and BalarAmA and sing their greatness.
Inherited Qualities:
She first enters the royal c of ~Na~ndhagOpA and yasOdhA, which was laid at the entrance of the house as such. This is because, as said in the first pAsuram, ~Na~NdhagOpA is very keen in Sri KrishNA's well being. He ensures that danger in any form never even nears Him. More importantly, he made sure that KrishNA was safe from the girls of ThiruvAIpADi who were longing to join Him. AnDAL in the first line of the pAsuram as such hails ~Na~NdhagOpA to be a donor of cloths, food and water etc. But as such no purAnAs ever speak so about him. Our commentator's logic beautifully solves this doubt. They say, "We know that KrishNA has donated cloths to Draupathi, water to the wounded soldiers at the kurukshEthra war and food to His friends when He was a kid. It cant be anyone other than ~Na~NdhagOpA from whom KrishnA learned these qualities." So the qualities that a child develops depends on what it learns form its parents.
Waking up YasOdhA:
On the contrary the gOpikA's are not here to earn these things. They have come for a totally different purpose. They need KrishNA as the fruit for their vow. Since ~Na~NdhagOpA was not helpful, they go next to yasOdhA who is a woman by birth and so could understand their problem better.
The Last Hit:
AnDAL speaks about how KrishNA helped indhrA to regain his lost kingdom from mahAbali. She informs Him that they do not expect such heroic deeds but just some service at His divine feet. Even after this Sri KrishNA does not respond.
Realising that they have committed a mistake of not approaching Him through BalarAmA, She prays now to Him asking Him to help them like how He helped the gOpikA's in a similar situation when KrishNA left to MathurA.
"umbiyum neeyum uRn~gEl"
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