ERRa kalaNGkaL ethir poNGki mIthaLippa *
maaRRaathE paalcoriyum vaLLal perum pacukkaL *
aaRRap pataiththaan makanE aRivuRaay *
URRam utaiyaay periyaay * ulakinil
thORRamaay ninRa cutarE thuyilezhaay *
maaRRaar unakku valitholain^thu un vaacaR kaN *
aaRRaathu van^thu un ati paNiyumaa pOlE *
pORRi yaam van^thOm pukazhn^thu ElOr empaavaay.
The Divine Recommendation:
Sri Nappinnai wins the battle and moves forward to open th door and explains to them Her situation of waiting for the right time to talk about them to Sri KrishNA and there by grant them their reward of service. Hearing these words of Sri ~Nappinnai, the gOpikA's start singing about Sri KrishNA.
She first speaks about the wealth of Sri ~Na~NdhagOpAlA and plaeds KrishNA that He understand their situation. Sri Kanchi swAmi has shown a very enjoyable swApadEsam here.SwAmi compares the cattle wealth of ~Na~ndhagOpAlA to that of the sishyAs of swAmi emperumAnAr. Similar to those cattle's that can fill vessels after vessels with milk, the ardent devotees of swAmi, with their impeccable knowledge could shower their grace on us. So ARRapaDaithAn is swami EmperumAnAr and His "magan" is Thiru~NArAyana perumAL of MelkOTE. SwAmi concluded that this is a ma~ngalAsAsanam for MElkOTE perumAL.
The Description:
The special phrase to be noted in this pAsuram is, "OoRRamuDayAi, periyAi, ulaginil thORamAi niRa chuDarE". The unshakable OORam that Sri krishNA has is that at any cost He will never leave his devotees who have surrendered to Him. The best of the example being His causeless mercy on Sri VibeeshNAzhwAn. Next, AnDAL titles Him "periyAi" which means His greatness is best exhibited when, even after doing everything for His devotees, He thinks He has done His duty and not anything great as such. She then names Him "ulaginil thORamAi ~ninRa chudar", though the scriptures hail you so much explaining your greatness, you came down as Sri RAmA and Sri KrishNA and showed your mercy on us who have done everything but good deed. The "chuDar" that AnDAL is talking here is about His guNam to serve His devotees forgetting His greatness.
"pORiyAm vandhOm pugazha~ndhu"
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