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Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sri Panduranga Leela - Pundaleeka

Sri Sri Anna on Ekadasi day commenced his series of upanyasams on Panduranga bakthas as part of the Baktha Rathnavali.

If only the bakthas are in their swadharma bhagavan gets pleased and presents himself  before them. Mathru and Pithru bakthi are quoted to be highest and only because of this swadharma nishtai did Pandurangan (Dwarakadeesan) knock the door of Pundaligan and at his behest is standing on the brick as Vittal in the banks of Chandrabagha for the last 28 kaliyugas.

Once during the reign of Krishna in Dwaraka, a pilgrim named Pundaligan from South India ventured on thirtha yathra to Kasi Shethram. When he informed this to his parents and sought their permission, they also wanted to join him in the yathra, not to say his wife. Pundaligan was devoted to his parents and so he respectfully took them on the yathra. Those days the yathrikas were to travel only by foot and it would take even a year to reach Kasi from South. After many weary days of walk his parents fell sick and he had to carry them on his back for the remaining part of the journey. Gradually they reached the banks of Chandrabaga (then called as Bhima Nadhi). On the banks of Bhima Kukkuda Maharishi was in deep penance. On realizing the presence of Pundaligan and his yathra, the rishi appeared before him and advised that sarva theertham are the lotus feet of one's parents and it is not prudent on his part to drag his parents like this to long distances. Immediately Pundaligan accepted the rishi's advice and settled down on the river bank and continued his service to his parents with utmost devotion.

At the same time in Dwaraka, Lord Krishna asked Sage Naradha as to whether he was aware of a person who is fully devoted to his parents in this world. Naradha referred Krishna about Pundaligan. Instantly Krishna took off to Chandrabagha river banks but not without Rukmani (who followed suit). Here Anna referred to the Rakkumayee in Pandarpur now – she has knot her hairlocks with a pitchoda and holds a kumkuma chimizh in her right hand. That is what any women is expected to carry when she goes out with her husband.

On seeing the divine couple (of course Pundaligan was not aware) he placed two bricks for them to stand on (as asanam) and requested them to wait till he completes his duties towards his parents. After nearly an hour he came out to see Krishna and Rukmani waiting with hands on their waist. He fell at their feet and apologized for delaying them. Krishna was much pleased by the pithru/mathru bakthi of Pundaligan and promised to carry out the service to his parents (Vasudevar and Devaki) in the same fashion. Further he offered a boon to Pundaligan. Pundaligan requested the divine couple to stay on the river bank permanently and offer darshan to all the devotees who are devoted to their parents. Krishna and Rukmani left their prathimai (image) as Pandurangan (Vittal) and Rakkumayee and left for Dwaraka to continue their Vibhava Avatharam.

What is more astonishing is that Pandurangan is standing in the same position not only from this Dwapara Yuga but from the first yuga (We are in the 28th Kali yuga).

Pandari sarika shethra nahin
Thukaram sarika sathguru nahin
Pundaliga sarika baktha nahin
Panduranga sarika Devu nahin

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